Codes of Conduct

Players, Parents/Guardians of Players, Coaches and all Volunteers are all expected to follow the Wokingham Netball Club’s Guidelines as well as adhering to the England Netball Codes of Conduct.

Sporting excellence and enjoyment are only achieved by participants and spectators through adherence to the highest moral, ethical and sporting standards. Wokingham Netball Club’s Guidelines and England Netball’s Codes of Conduct set out the standards and expectations expected of those in the sport of netball, and these promote respect, good sportsmanship, high standards of behaviour and ethics.

The guidelines and codes of conduct are all available to read here, by clicking on the relevant link:

WNC – Junior Players – Guidelines and Codes of Conduct

WNC – Parents & Carers – Guidelines and Codes of Conduct

WNC – Senior Players – Guidelines and Codes of Conduct

WNC – Codes of Conduct for Volunteers and Coaches 22-23 Season